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时间:2021-08-09 12:50:07 | 来源:
James C. Self III, President and COO of Greenwood Mills, located in Greenwood, SC was elected to serve as Chairman of the National Council of Textile Organizations during the group's 11th Annual Meeting held at the Hamilton Crowne Plaza Hotel in Washington, DC March 25 -27.James C. Self III于2005年被命名为Greenwood Mills的总裁。自1997年以来,他是自身家庭的第一部成员,以引领私营公司。1991年,自加入格林伍德米尔斯,在美国和国外的职业生涯中担任若干管理职位,致力于采购,生产规划,销售和制造业。He is a graduate of Clemson University and holds an MBA from the University of South Carolina.Jeffrey Price, President of the Specialty Fabrics Division of Milliken & Company, located in Spartanburg, SC, was elected as Vice Chairman of NCTO.Elected to the NCTO董事会在各种理事会会议期间是以下内容: - 威廉委员会 - 威廉巴尼特和儿子(椅子)的Bill McCrary;约翰弗莱曼的南亚塑料美国;达克美洲 - 纱线委员会的标记德莱 - 里士满特色纱线肯尼古德曼(椅子); John Bakane Frontier Spinning Mills;詹姆斯Chesnutt国家纺纱公司;吉特伊利奥洛斯吉尔丹·伊利奥洛斯;威廉·贾斯珀of Unifi。帕克戴尔米尔斯 - 织物和家居家具委员会的安德森·瓦尔利克 - 弗农米尔斯(椅子)的大卫黑斯廷斯; Inman Mills诺曼查普曼;牛仔北美的蒙特加里奇; ITG的Joe Gorga;奥本制造业的Kathie Leonard; Milliken&Company-Industration Sult Councy的杰弗里价格 - Staubli(椅子)的Ludovic Petrois,杜克能源的Joni Davis,以及Saurer Inc.jasper的Bob Sage作为主席担任主席的最后一级业务次数是宣布委任下列NCTO办事处:总裁兼首席执行官 - 奥古斯丁Tantillo,NCTO;秘书 - 迈克·哈伯德,NCTO;和财务主任 - 罗宾哈伊恩斯,NCTO。